The Danger of Modern Critical Theory

If you are wondering why we are seeing so many protests and uprising in modern society you can blame the purveyors of Modern Critical Theory.

Modern critical theory views everything through the lens of power. Each individual is seen either as oppressed or as an oppressor, depending on their race, class, gender, sexuality, and a number of other categories. Oppressed groups are seen as subjugated not by physical force or even overt discrimination, but through the exercise of power—the ability of dominant groups to impose their values, and expectations on society as a whole, relegating other groups to subordinate positions.

Academia and their leftish politician’s friends and much of the news media believe this theory of the oppressed and the oppressor is the basis of all of society’s ills.  If you buy into this theory you will almost always align yourself with the oppressed because you have been convinced that you are not an individual but are simply part of a group.  That group may be based on your gender or the colour of your skin or some other feature modern society has determined makes you oppressed.

Although on the surface this theory may seem true in reality it is not.  You may identify as part of a group but that is not your true identity.  Your true identity is the identity you create for yourself.  If you are a Christian then that identity is based on your relationship with the Creator God.  You are a valued individual.

Unfortunately many in society have allowed themselves to become so identified with a group that society has told them is oppressed that they now personally feel oppressed and undervalued by the society they live in.

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