The Narrow-minded Left

Our local Liberal Candidate, Margaret Kunst is being criticized for speaking out against having a Rainbow Crosswalk between to civic building in Langley. I’m sure that as a Christian, Margaret believes all British Columbians are entitled to equal treatment. But I also suspect that as a Christian she does not support special recognition for a group whose lifestyle is Biblically wrong.

I find it very sad the way political candidates in the BC election are being criticized for their religious beliefs.  The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states in the preamble: Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.”  Furthermore the first stated fundamental freedom is the “freedom of conscience and religion.”

Why is it when the Charter recognizes the supremacy of God and our freedom of conscience and religion that party leaders are being asked to kick out a candidate who expresses religious views? The Charter also guarantees freedom of thought, belief, and opinion.

The LGBTQ community may not like the opinions of some candidates but our charter guarantees a candidates right to hold those views.  It is a very sad commentary on our society if a person of strongly held religious views cannot be a candidate for one of the main political parties.  If a party or government is going to truly represent the people of the province then it needs to include people of all beliefs not just those without religious beliefs and opinions.

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