Under The Old Apple Tree Posts

Random Thoughts

Our local Liberal Candidate, Margaret Kunst is being criticized for speaking out against having a Rainbow Crosswalk between to civic building in Langley. I’m sure that as a Christian, Margaret…

Random Thoughts

If you are wondering why we are seeing so many protests and uprising in modern society you can blame the purveyors of Modern Critical Theory. Modern critical theory views everything…

Random Thoughts

One of the things I have been observing from under the Apple tree is US politics. As a Conservative Canadian who has been observing American politics for over 50 years…

Random Thoughts

There is presently a petition circulating asking the Provincial Government to eliminate all for profit seniors care in BC. In light of the COVID-19 problems in many of our seniors…

Random Thoughts

We are now in our 3rd month of this COVID 19 pandemic. Self Isolating seems to mean different things to different people. To my wife and I it has meant…

Random Thoughts